2022 Events Calendar
February 2, 2022
Priesthood Ordination of Hany Guirguis and Emad Messiha
June 24, 2022To register for this convention:

How to Register:
Please go to unityapp.ca
Log in to your account (or register if you haven't already!)
Choose "Diocese Events" You will find the Coptic Hymns Convention event to book!

Come and join us, here is a brief description about the schedule:
08.07.2022Starting at 4:30pm on Friday (8th July) until 11pm:
Welcoming, introductory topic, dinner and praises.09.07.2022Following all day on Saturday (9th July) from 9am to 11pm:
Topics (examples listed in the poster), activities & Gym, Q&A and praises including Breakfast, Lunch and dinner.10.07.2022Sunday (10th July):
Liturgy in the morning (optional at Archangle Michael) with breakfast.10.07.2022Sunday (10th July):
CONCERT at 6pm at night at Paroise St-Eustache”.

Guest Speakers
Dr. Michel Henein

Dr. Shereen Azer
Days left to the start of the convention
Reserve your spot now